
Archive for July, 2013

Datasets, Publications, and ORCID

July 31, 2013 Leave a comment

Hi All,

Here is a link to a paper we recently published. (DOI

It is primarily about open access to publications but as funders often require some reference to datasets it does include some comment on what we are doing to integrate information about datasets into the overall open access process.

In addition a few folk were interested in ORCID.

Here is a screen shot of the article attached to my ORCID id.



University of Glasgow have subscribed to ORCID and we are currently in the early stages of working out how we will synchronise information about research outputs etc and hope to be able to share our journey with the community.

Categories: Glasgow

CERIF for Datasets Workshop London 26th July

July 29, 2013 2 comments

Our workshop went very well on Friday.

Thanks again to all attendees for their contributions, to speakers and to City University for the room and on the ground support for IT, catering and general housekeeping.

A summary of the discussions from the Glasgow and London workshops along with slides will be posted on the blog as soon as we can.

It was clear that people are very keen to continue to share and join up ideas on Research Data Management and minimise duplication of effort as far as possible.

Categories: CERIF

New Version of CERIF Available for Testing

July 25, 2013 Leave a comment

We are excited that a new version of CERIF has been released for testing. This new version incorporates enhanced capabilities to facilitate metadata about datasets and had been delivered taking into consideration recommendations from the C4D project and other initiatives. Visit the site
for more information.

Categories: CERIF

Update from the University of Glasgow

July 22, 2013 Leave a comment

This week we are:

1) Progressing with set up of DataCite to which we recently subscribed including looking for some University of Glasgow researchers who would like a digital object identifier for thier dataset.

2) Finalising a paper for our Research Planning and Strategy Committee making some recommendations about the way forward for Research Data Management at the University of Glasgow. We will include a summary of this in a future blog post.

3) Having our project meeting

4) Frantically trying to sort out the budget transfer from Sunderland. Sunderland could not commit to leading the extension so we’ve been trying since 31st March to transfer the remaining budget so that St Andrews and Glasgow can deliver the remaining work. There have been many difficulties with the mechanics of this transfer and budgetary reporting. Hoping we can sort it all out very soon.

5) Preparing for our 2nd workshop which will take place in London on Friday:

Categories: Glasgow Tags: , ,

C4D Workshop, Glasgow 12/07/2013

A very productive workshop took place in Glasgow on Friday and there were several useful discussions. We will be consolidating the outcomes, comments, etc. from both workshops after the London event on 26/07/2013.

If you have any questions or comments in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Categories: C4D Tags: , ,